Monday, February 16, 2015

Sometimes, Child Abuse Looks Like This...

Sometimes, it looks like this...

We are all aware of the media stories, so I 'm not going there. It's horrible. But sometimes, child abuse lives in the suburbs and everyone looks "nice".

Since I am faced with families and kiddos working on overcoming emotional obstales each day, I get to think about lil' ol' me every once in awhile.

I had a controlling father that would demand that no door be locked and would burst in "just to check". The worst was the bathroom door - just because he could. As a child, all I knew was that the angry man was there and could not relax. As an adult dealing with IBS, I finally figured my out my struggle.

Gee Whiz. What that man did was completely degrading. No wonder I have spent so many years either conspitated or otherwise? Ever since I finally figured out the root of my decades of plague..-guess what? I also realized what this is called.

This is child abuse.

Forget the beatings and beratings That was already going on.

Just randomly jerking open the bathroom door to "check on/surprise" a child trying to "do business" and silently demanding them to normalize that ... so, so, so deplorable. But that's what I grew up with as a kid and thought it was "normal". I also thought being clogged up was, too.

A parent shaming their child while they perform a bodily function?  How much lower can you get? In North America, that is the ultimate of private acts. Gosh even our dog wanders out of sight when she goes.

I remember telling my mom once, finally. And then it stopped. I was 10.

But not for me physically. I still live with "issues". Since I figured out the source and no one is bursting in on me or degrading me any longer, I have had the best poop time in my life. Sadly, it's still IBS though.

Cheers to all my fellow IBS friends. I am certain this is also medical, but for me my medical was caused from an external source. This makes me sad for that little girl that used to clench her colon. But I understand that was all she knew.

Shame on anyone who views small children as objects of control and does not respect them as humans worthy of dignity just like everyone else. An awful lot of unhealthy or downright evil acts are normalized far too often. If this post causes one person to examine their motives and actions toward an innocent, dependent child it's worth it.

Anything you are doing because you can or you want it that way is your red flag. Stop passing on the batton of condemnation.

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