Saturday, February 4, 2012

"You Can Do Anything"

After being raised by a loving mommie and becoming one myself, repeating her mantra... that myth got busted a few days ago.

We really can't do everything!

OK, I admit that my mom's positive support enabled me to get through some difficult school years and although internally I knew I would never be an astronaut or learn to cartwheel, truly appreciated her words. This blessed me and I continued this mantra with my own diff-gen babies. Isn't it wonderful to have a parent think you are so special???

Come to find out during a staff exercise the other day... this message really isn't accurate.


We were all going through our Strength Finders 2.0 scores. Everyone has 5 top strengths (out of 34). As we reviewed our strengths, different quotes were shared. This is the one that busted my mom's myth-speak:

"You can be any thing...NO! But we can be more of who we already are..." per Carl Liesveld. (My summary)

I've learned we all have strengths (and duh, weaknesses). Rather than tell kids they can do ANYTHING, what if we tell them they can do anything in their area of giftedness? And help them define what that area is?

Then we won't have any pathetic try-outs on American Idol, but we will have a whole bunch of kids affirmed, supported and confident!

Thank you Mommie, for what you said and when you said it...

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff to think about. I agree too many ppl have ridiculous expectations of their own abilities. So when they try and are unsuccessful they blame others for their own failures rather than trying harder or learning from the failed experience.
