Monday, February 6, 2012

Top Ten Social Skills I Wish Every Parent Would Teach Their Kids

10. How not to interrupt; either when a parent is on the phone, or when the parent is conversing in person (unless of course, the house is on fire)

9. How to complete a task without needing affirmation for each step (that also limits unnecessary phone calls, texts, interruptions)

8. How to treat ALL adults politely - teachers, other parents, coaches, etc.

7. How to greet people of all ages by making eye contact and using words, not grunts - crack a smile, even...

6. How to host more than one friend at your home and treat each with kindness (and share appropriately with inclusivity)

5. How to behave in public - no top of the escalator reunions, no screaming in the grocery store cart, no standing in the middle of an aisle

4. How to eat politely, and where to put the dishes - or at least how to offer to clear the table

3. How to hold the door open for the person behind you, especially if they are pushing a stroller of have their arms full

2. How to walk to the right in North America! This includes sidewalks, stores... and if you are walking in a pack, leave room for others coming the other way

1. How to say PLEASE and THANK YOU!! (This seems to be a lost art... when we buy something at Target, we're told "Here you go" or "Have a nice day". We just spent some hard-earned $, where did the "Thank-you" go? What about teaching our kids to say thank-you to the lunch lady at school? The bus driver? Their teacher? Their Sunday School teacher?)

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