Friday, March 23, 2012

Through the Eyes of a Child

A few weeks ago, I walked into the Toddler class one Sunday to greet everyone, as I usually do. One of the sweetest little girls held up her sandals and eagerly showed me her treasure. The look on her face was truly priceless. I found out from her mother that she was excited to be wearing her "new shoes" on such a surprisingly warm late winter day. Additionally, I learned that in daycare, children must wear closed-toed shoes and socks. These sandals were a big deal in this toddler's life. Seeing her rejoice in the simplest thing just made my day.

When I was in college, I had a part-time job at a home for mentally challenged men and women. There, I learned to erase the minutiae of life's angst from an 18-year-old's mind and appreciate their lives. Everything was scheduled. Monthly haircuts. Weekly baths. Daily meals. Bi-monthly bus rides. Semi-annual shots. Nothing "special", yet I saw each resident look forward to the routine in their lives and value seemingly mundane activities with utter joy. These precious people taught me to appreciate the simplest details in my life. I still smile fondly remembering gleeful applause at "haircut day".

Some of my most heart-felt memories with my kids when they were younger was the excitement to wear a new pair of rain boots (my girl) or use their very own umbrella (my son... try that while living in sunny California!) There was also that new coat or lunchbox, a special field trip and of course the all-important Sharing Day.

These things were all more important to them than the big trips or gifts. Details that could so easily be looked over. Unless we look through the bright and eager eyes of a child.

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