Saturday, June 9, 2012

Every Girl Should Own at Least One

American Girls!

Hats off to Pleasant Rowland who created an entire industry celebrating what it is like for a young girl to grow up with wholesome influences. The company has been around long enough to have young mothers now purchasing dolls for their daughters. It was sold to Mattel a few years back and continues to thrive.

What is so special about these expensive dolls?

First of all, they are so durable they are worth the price that has nudged upward only a tad since my girl got her first American Girl in Kindergarten. Secondly, the dolls are meant to be played with and endure some wear and tear.

AG started with historical dolls, each one representing a time in America's development. It was a big deal for my daughter when Addy (above) was introduced. Other dolls include immigrants from England, Scandinavia. Other girls represent Native Americans, Spanish Americans, World War II, The 70's, etc. Later on, they introduced dolls that can "copy you". Choices as specific as a Starbucks coffee.

What makes these dolls so wonderful is the beautiful catalog where mother and daughter and grandmother can sit and oooooh and ahhhhh together. Moms can re-visit childhood and daughters or granddaughters can enjoy time to appreciate the details (look at Molly's working radio! Kirsten's sweater!).

This is my favorite and recommended investment for any parent or grandparent with a girl in Kindergarten on up. You can't go wrong celebrating history or bringing in another conversation piece. I am thrilled that my very own American Girl loved this venue til she was 13! The dolls, accessories, magazine and entire experience helped shaped our daughter's early life. Birthday gifts, allowance and Christmas money all focused on her AG collection. The entire family enjoyed the quality and message.

Little did we know we would live near a destination store one day!

After her wedding, one of the first things our girl searched for at our home were her AG doll boxes to bring to her new home.

Talk about life-impacting!


  1. what makes them extra special is the amazing books that go along with the historical dolls! we have LOVED reading these, even my son enjoyed the stories!

    1. Agreed! We all get to visit the AG at her place in history!
