Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reflections on Gen XYZABC

Pondering some of the things that kids born after 2000 will never know thanks or no thanks to our culture...

- Waiting to watch summer reruns in order to catch a missed TV show

- What a home phone/land line is

- What it's like to lay on your back in the grass, look up and imagine "cloud sculptures"

- Marriage is sacred

- Songs decrying murder and hate were once unheard of, much less grammy-worthy

- Cheating on a test used to be one of the worst things a kid could do

- "Friend" used to be the kid down the street not all the people you "know" online

- Starting the school day with the Pledge of Allegiance

- Trophies and Awards used to be awarded based on actual performance

- Using a computer meant you sat down and dialed up, not reaching into your pocket

- Halloween was a blip on the calendar, not marketed for 3 months ahead of time

- Christmas was about Christ's birth first, Santa was just in the mall

- Bullying was localized at school, not permeating every aspect of your life

- Everyone held the door for the person coming after you

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