Friday, May 11, 2012

Bye-Bye Mr. Balloon!

Restaurants and stores love to give small children balloons. They're kind of like bubbles and fun to bat around, aren't they? One inexpensive way to see little eyes brighten with delight.

When my girl was about 20 months old, she was given her very first balloon at the grocery store. Ohhh, she was so thrilled! Being my first baby, I was just as happy. She was sitting in the kid seat in the grocery cart as we pushed our purchases out to the car. We had not yet learned the importance of loosely tying the balloon ribbon to her wrist or ankle.

As we opened the trunk and began unloading the cart, her beloved first balloon escaped her grasp. Her eyes widened as she watched the prize she had only had for a few minutes float up and away.

In that split second, I knew how I reacted would set the stage for other small disappointments, and I didn't want her to be sad. So, I began clapping wildly and jumping with excitement, waving "Bye-Bye Mr. Balloon!! Bye-Bye!!!" Who knows what the other customers in the parking lot thought? My girl began gleefully laughing and waving bye-bye, too. She had more fun watching the balloon "go see the world" than holding it close. For all she knew, a balloon's job was to depart... or pop.

Yup, the first time a balloon popped on her that was really fun, too.

So, there's two things both my kids haven't cried about. Don't worry, there were others, but at least they are okay with balloons.

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