Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'll Just Go Have Coffee

When my kids were 13 and 3, I learned the power of coffee. Until that particular day, when they got into it together I would try and referee in the moment. Of course that didn't work because of the shrieking. Oh and little brother so ampped he hovered the room. A fifteen-minute situation would take up to two hours to completely be resolved. Sure the kids learned the moral lesson - finally. But I was left in an exhausted emotional puddle.

Who wouldv'e thought that ten years between siblings could be reduced to zero? They could tussle with the best of them. "She hooked at me!!!" "He touched my backpack!!!" And away they went - far past the speed of sound.

So on this particular spring day, they put it in first gear and I knew just where they were going, and it was fast. Rather than begin my usual conductor's warning, I found myself calmly grabbing my purse and the car keys, heading for the door. "I'm going for coffee while you guys figure this out," I said as if this were the most normal thing in the world, and smiled my way out the door.

I knew two important things. One, our eldest had been Red Cross certified for a few years. Two, she really wouldn't mortally harm her brother as much as she liked to hear him scream.

The nearest coffee shop was just down the hill, about 5 minutes away if you didn't hit a red light. I ordered a medium decaf mocha (no whip) and enjoyed it to the last drop while I caught up with the latest local newspaper. After a bit I checked my watch. I'd been gone about a half hour. A whole half hour without the screams and thumps.  My, this was nice.

After another 15 minutes I stood and stretched. Time to go home and get the jump on dinner prep. What a pleasant afternoon this had stayed.

I walked into a calm home with two happy siblings enjoying cartoons.

That's the day I stopped inserting myself into their scenarios. My my, the twins could handle things on their own! I could stay chill. And the times when things started to escalate, I just went and enjoyed another cup of coffee. Peace on earth at our house.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome!! If only it worked with only one kid...
